The outcome of the slow crawl of evolution, our body
Can only take us so far, fragile and needy, losing head to head
Matchups in the wild, more than made up by another gift, the mind
It has picked us up from a dead end road of evolution, time will not
Let us see what’s ahead for the body, perhaps nothing more
We will never know, the mind may be entered when the body is forgotten
It has taken over the world through a revolution, the spoils have made
The mind supreme, it’s agent has been embedded within us all
The ego, any thought of revolt sparks a quick reprisal, with no way out
Of the mind, we are forced to retreat to the body, a sinking ship
We are unjustly imprisoned by the mind, it can be overthrown by a revolution
Which may be plotted from these very confines, what we call the pinnacle of evolution